
Mexico and the U.S. agree on plan against drug and arms trafficking

U.S. Attorney General William Barr and top Mexican officials also addressed the arrest of Genaro García Luna

Seized bullets displayed - Photo: Fayaz Kabli/REUTERS
17/01/2020 |19:54Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico and the United States have agreed on a plan to combat illicit trafficking of arms , drugs , and money , the Mexican government said on Thursday, following meetings between U.S. Attorney General William Barr and top Mexican officials , who also addressed the

The two neighboring countries also agreed to cooperate on measures to reduce drug consumption and combat addiction , the said in a statement.

“A number of advances on the issue of were discussed with the aim of analyzing how to implement operations with non-intrusive technologies in key points of the border to stop the movement of arms and ammunition into our country,” it said.

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In November, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to after a series of security lapses, including the murder of in northern Mexico.

The threat prompted a speedy request for talks by Mexico and to the country last month.

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Meanwhile, Mexico has been preparing a package of judicial reforms that could allow wiretaps to be used as evidence in court, as well as measures to limit legal challenges to for criminal suspects.

Such reforms could facilitate cooperation on security between Mexico and the United States, which under Trump has pressed López Obrador to tighten border security in order to .

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