
Mexico and UNESCO to strengthen indigenous languages

Indigenous languages are a synonym of identity and essential interpretations of the world

Mexico needs to recognize and include linguistic diversity and strengthen equality between cultures - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
28/02/2020 |13:57Yanet Aguilar Sosa |
Yanet Aguilar Sosa
Reportera de la sección CulturaVer perfil

The signing of a framework convention between and in order to strengthen indigenous languages in Mexico was undertaken on Thursday at the National Palace by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador , the general director of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay , and the Culture Minister Alejandra Frausto in the framework of the presentation of the World Decade of Indigenous Languages .


UNESCO’s general director said that it is fundamental to protect for language is a synonym of identity ; they are interpretations of a world and are quintessential for the common future. She also stressed the need to recognize and include the linguistic diversity and strengthen equality between cultures .

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asserted that there is a long relationship of cooperation between UNESCO and Mexico that is confirmed by the joint work that brought her to Mexico. She highlighted the urgency for education on and for children and women “for us, gender equality is a priority.”


In the meeting that took place during López Obrador’s morning news conference , which had representatives of Mexico’s indigenous peoples as guests, the President said that it is necessary to strengthen indigenous languages and that indigenous peoples are a fundamental matter for the government . “We need to strengthen cultures , languages, and traditions (…) what has saved Mexico are its cultures.”



, deputy secretary of Cultural Diversity of the Culture Ministry, reported the actions implemented from that institution in public libraries nationwide, where they work on repertories in the 68 indigenous languages of Mexico, or from the National Fund for Culture and Arts (Fonca) and the Nationa lnstitute of Indigenous Languages (Inali) , as well as the call “ Verbal Arts. Languages in Danger.

After the signing of the convention, Alejandra Frausto said on her Twitter account that this general convention with UNESCO strengthen the history of cultural cooperation between Mexico and that organism and asserted that the government will work to protect Mexico’s cultural heritage and to protect indigenous languages.

