According to a government source , Mexican prosecutors requested help from the Interpol to locate the former head of Mexico’s oil workers union , , days after he resigned amid allegations of illicit enrichment and money laundering.

“The Attorney General’s Office has asked the Interpol to intervene,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “ Interpol has got this matter.”

On October 26, a Mexican news network reported that Romero Deschamps had fled the country.

The government official could not confirm this, saying that: “It may be that he’s here, but he can’t be located.”

Earlier this month, President López Obrador said that Romero Deschamps was under investigation and could face prosecution over two complaints filed against him and days later, he resigned from the oil workers union after 26 years.


, who has denied any wrongdoing, faces investigation on suspicion of conducting financial operations with funds of illicit origin, according to investigators.

Earlier this year, sources said the Attorney General’s Office suspected Romero Deschamps and several relatives of illicit enrichment and money laundering .

These rumors were made after a federal judge refused to suspend the measure that blocked Romero Deschamps' bank accounts , as implemented by the Financial Intelligence Unit , led by Santiago Nieto Castillo .

Mexican authorities have yet to confirm if Romero Deschamps is wanted by the Interpol .


could not immediately be reached for comment.


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