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Mexico is leading the Latin American market of TV streaming or OTTs , dominating 40.5% of the market, according to the consulting firm Dataxis .
“Mexico showed 17.4 million accounts, which made them the largest market in volume,” explained Carlos Blanco , Dataxis analyst. At the end of 2017 , Mexico was followed by Brazil , with 35.1% of users. Next was Argentina , with 7.2% ; Colombia, 5.9% ; Chile, 4% , and the rest of Latin America accounted for a 7.4% .
In addition, last year, the TV streaming market had the most competitors with 20 relevant enterprises offering the same service, which makes six more than those operating in Brazil, said Blanco.
“Mexico’s leadership in the consumption of TV streaming services can be explained by the highly competitive environment among some of the most important streaming services. In Mexico, for instance, Clarovideo possesses its largest operation in Latin America,” pointed out the analyst.
Out of the 18.2 million active accounts in the region, Netflix is the market leader with 63% of subscriptions, whereas Clarovideo, by América Móvil (Mobile America) is second place, with 20% of active accounts , the consulting firm specified.
These are payment service providers, unlike platforms like Youtube, that offer free video contents online.
In Mexico, Netflix offers three product packages: The basic package, with a cost of MXN$109 a month, the Standard package, with a cost of MXN$149 , and Premium , for MXN$199 a month.
offers their services for 69 pesos a month , and it’s even free for some users of phone companies Telmex and Telcel . Another large competitor in this sector is Blim, by Televisa , which offers its services for 109 pesos a month .
“Netflix is expected to lead the market in the future. Its power lies in its capacity to produce content, its high availability in different devices, and an overall good user experience.”
The 18 million accounts of TV streaming services represent a rise of 29.8% in comparison with the previous year.
According to the Competitive Intelligence Unit (CIU) , the number of subscribers to TV streaming services went from 6.7 million to 7.7 million accounts between 2016 and 2017 .
As for income, the CIU indicates that, in 2016, the OTTs operating in Mexico reached MXN$2,608 million , which increased to 3,314 million pesos the following year.