
Mexican woman cooks free meals in Baja California during the COVID-19 pandemic

People throughout Mexico are expressing their solidarity during these hard times

Illustrative photo of a woman serving soup - Photo: Raúl Martínez/EFE
30/05/2020 |10:53
Redacción El Universal
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Due to the and despite living from hand to mouth, Carolina Ramírez , a Mexican cook, hands out meals to elderly and unemployed people in Rosarito, Baja California .

“A year ago, my husband had an accident and was left paralyzed; due to that situation, I had to stop working to take care of him. However, people in the community began helping me giving me food and clothes that I could sell on the market, but because of the health emergency , I was forced to stop doing it, so now I hand out free meals to the community because there are people who need it,” said Carolina on a phone interview to EL UNIVERSAL .

Mexican woman cooks free meals in Baja California during the COVID-19 pandemic

Carolina explained that she began giving people tortillas, but now she can offer them more food because people in the community have made donations . “I receive help from people; they bring me beans , rice , oil , and eggs among other things because they are aware of my situation and I can pay them back by feeding others,” she said.

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Likewise, the cook said she sells and sopes through Facebook, which has helped her survive. “Through my Facebook account, I have had the opportunity to sell tortillas and sopes . I also sell salsas made in molcajete” she mentioned.

Among the meals Carolina cooks are tlacoyos , sopes , gorditas with beans, in addition to several stews . “At first, only five people came in a day; now they are nearly 30 and they leave grateful because of this noble deed,” she added.

Mexican woman cooks free meals in Baja California during the COVID-19 pandemic

“I’ve been cooking for the community for a month and I do it from a room in my house,” she said.


The place where Carolina offers free meals is located at 20 Úrsulo Galván Street at the Ejido de Mazatlán neighborhood. She is there Monday through Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00 .

“I thank the people from Rosarito because they gave me everything when I needed help and this is how I’m now paying them back,” she said.

“My doors will be open as long as God wills,” she concluded.

