
Mexican superfoods for children

The Health Ministry suggests monitoring the weight and size of girls and boys to ensure their optimum development

Superfoods are full of health benefits – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
24/08/2019 |10:13Mextzin Sofía M. Gasca |
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According to the blog “Bien Comer” of the expert on nutrition Fernanda Alvarado , there are Mexican superfoods with major health benefits, and because they are produced in our country, most of them are affordable .

Here are 5 superfoods that you can include in a balanced diet for children .


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The most common way to eat corn in Mexico is in tortillas .

A single tortilla has 64 calories and has B vitamins that help cells to turn carbohydrates into energy, according to Fernanda Alvarado’s blog.

You can include tortillas in children’s meals taking care of the portions . According to the Health Ministry , one must monitor the weight and size of girls and boys for their best development.


Beans are from Mexico and Perú and they have low-fat content and high protein content , as well as the necessary fiber for healthy digestion.

They have the vitamins and minerals needed for optimum nutrition for every age.


The main benefit of “nopales” is the fiber that helps to have healthy digestion from a young age.

They can be prepared in several ways, so you can experiment what is your children’s favorite ; the Health Ministry says it is better not to force minors to eat something they do not like.


Who has not eaten an “alegría” ? In pre-Hispanic times , the use and consumption of amaranth were very common. Amaranth endures high temperatures and can grow in soil with little water, says the National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio) .

Conabio also says that amaranth is particularly good in children’s diet because it has a high content of protein and lysine , essential for growth.

You can include an “alegría” as a healthy snack .

The Health Ministry suggests three main foods and two snacks a day.


This fruit comes from Mexico , Colombia , and Venezuela . Avocado has a high content of unsaturated fats and potassium , which helps to have a normal function of muscles and the nervous system so that children can run and jump nonstop.

You can include it as part of lunch for school or as guacamole at home.