
Mexican students win gold at robotics tournament in Turkey

Organized by the Kahramanmaraş Sütçüimam University, the KSÜ tournament took place on May 4 and 5

Adán de la Cruz dedicated the awards to all of his fellow students at TecNM, notably the robotics club of the Poza Rica campus - Photo: Taken from TecNM's official Facebook page
14/05/2019 |17:22Notimex |
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Mexican students won gold, silver, and bronze at the KSÜ TeknoRob Tournament in Turkey, competing with more than a thousand students from six countries.

Luis Cortés Hernández and Adán de la Cruz Domínguez

, from Mexico’s National Institute of Technology (TecNM) , Poza Rica campus, won the first three places in the mini sumo category, with the robots Boris X, Boris Jr, and Mini HK. They also won first place in the autonomous sumo competition with a robot called Boris X, according to Mexico’s Ministry of Public Education (SEP) .

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“Defeating the greatest international contestants was quite a challenge. This is how we’ve been able to put into practice the knowledge we’ve acquired in our school,” stated Cortés Hernández through a press release.

Likewise, Adán de la Cruz dedicated the awards to all of his fellow students at TecNM, notably the robotics club of the Poza Rica campus, as well as thousands of young Mexicans who are passionate about robotics.

The second KSÜ tournament, organized by the Kahramanmaraş Sütçüimam University , took place on May 4 and 5 , attended by more than 1,000 students from Turkey, Japan, Malaysia, Romania, Tunisia, and Mexico , who presented 322 robots.
