
Mexican students create sustainable go-kart

The prototype absorbs energy through its solar panel and it also charges through its brake system

Illustrative photo of go-karts - Photo: César Gómez/EL UNIVERSAL
26/12/2019 |17:18Newsroom |
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from the that works with a solar panel , photovoltaic panels , and a regenerative suspension that make it one of a kind.

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For the construction of the AT1 prototype , the students of the “Miguel Bernard” Center of Scientific and Technologic Studies (CECyT) won first place in the Electric and Electronic category of the 28th Contest “ Award to Best Prototypes ” of IPN’s middle-level education.

Mexican students create sustainable go-kart

Bruno Aranda Urquieta, Axel León García, Edgar García Manciano, Joel de Santiago Torres, Jopheth Pérez Juárez, Javier Curiel Alcántara, and Iván Sánchez Cortés

explained that the go-kart is a result of their technical level dissertation and that it took them a year and a half to build it.

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The sixth-semester students also stressed that the vehicle has a lights system , and electronic engine system , and four lead-acid batteries that reach an electric tension from 48 volts to 20 amperes , which allows it to have a speed of up to 33 km per hour .

The go-kart operates by absorbing through its solar panel, however, it also charges through its brake system and its suspension; this is possible because the mechanic energy generated by motion turns, first, into kinetic energy and then, into electricity .

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The youths began this project with the study of the systems of a conventional car but later on chose a model that could generate its own energy .

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