
Mexican student will travel to maths competition thanks to Chinese airline

Samantha won the Regional Championship by doing 70 mental arithmetic operations in 5 minutes.

Samantha Moreno showing her skills with an abacus – Photo: Screenshot of the video taken from China Xinhua Español Twitter account
19/07/2019 |17:33Newsroom |
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With only 8 years old, Samantha Moreno won the Regional Championship of Mental Arithmetic . Her triumph earned her a ticket to represent Mexico in the 2019 International Championship of Mental Arithmetic to be held in Foshan, China . However, she and her family had difficulties to cover the expenses .

China Southern Airlines

decided to pay the plane tickets for Samantha and her parents. The CEO of the airline , Wu Yingjun , said that the support “comes from my heart; it is rewarding to be able to help Samantha; she is the future of Mexico by representing her country in China; I’m very happy to be able to help her.”

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“I was very surprised that the Chinese were the ones who helped us, but I’m very grateful because, even though we’re competing against them and in their country, they are helping us,” said Samantha’s mother for the news agency Xinhua .

As a token of gratitude , Samantha and her family gave the CEO of China Southern Airlines a box of cookies, which they used to sell to cover the expenses of the trip.

The International Championship of Mental Arithmetic will be held on July 20th .
