
Mexican student to participate in NASA program

The student from Zacatecas is part of the team of 55 youths who will participate in the International Space Station Program, fostered by NASA

José Eduardo Arteaga Galicia is 19 years old – Photo: Taken from his Facebook account
03/08/2019 |14:15Notimex |
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The student from Zacatecas José Eduardo Arteaga Galicia is part of the team of 55 youths who will participate in the International Space Station Program , fostered by NASA .

The 19 years-old youth said so in a collective interview in which he highlighted that he is the only member from Zacatecas that will participate in the project, which will gather 55 youths in Huntsville, Alabama next October 27th to participate in a talent competition.

Previously, from September , those selected will receive astronaut training , will learn how to pilot a plane, and will receive flight and diving classes, and further training.

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The project is in charge o f NASA and consists of making a proposal for the space station and gather information of the Europe asteroid, one of Jupiter’s 79 moons .

The youths will work in teams of 11 members each, selected according to their skills , said the student, clarifying that he ignores who will be his teammates.

According to the official website of the Nasa International Space Station Program , it is a project fostered by 15 countries, such as the United States, Russia, Japan, Germany, Canada, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Switzerland , and Mexico , among others.

The objective of the program is to hold competitions between the team to develop proposals in areas of engineering , the launching of aerospace devices and specialized training.
