Between 2007 and 2015 , the Tax Administration Service (SAT) granted soccer clubs Cruz Azul, Toluca, Guadalajara, and Pumas tax write-offs for MXN $381,894,928. This information was released by NGO Fundación Fundar.

Cruz Azul

Soccer team Cruz Azul had an MXN $328,781,762 debt canceled in 2007. In 2012, a MXN $1,873,178 debt was canceled.


This soccer club received a tax write-off for MXN $9,882,974 in 2008.


The Diablos Rojos team was granted tax waivers for MXN $$28,646,128 between 2008 and 2012.


Between 2010 and 2013, this club's MXN $14,584,064 debt was canceled.

Coaches & owners

In 2013, Coach Ricardo La Volpe was exempted from paying MXN $1,078,760 in taxes .

Jesús Martínez Patiño

, the head of the Tuzos team received a tax write-off for MXN $21,912,449 between 2007 and 2008.

In 2013, Raúl Arias, the vice president of Tiburones Rojos , had his MXN $20,643,205 debt canceled.

Justino Compeán

, the former head of the Mexican Football Federation , was granted a tax waiver for MXN $7,257,483 in 2013.

The list released by Fundación Fundar also includes politicians, musicians, and TV hosts .


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