
Mexican singer writes 'cumbia' in honor of Yalitza Aparicio

Mexican artist Mister Cumbia wrote a song in honor of the protagonist of Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma’

The Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón shared the official video through his Twitter account and web surfers welcomed the song’s quality and originality - Photo: Rodrigo Arangua/AFP
12/02/2019 |19:42Newsroom |
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Yalitza Aparicio

has now been lauded with music . A 'cumbia' song was written in honor of the protagonist of Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma.’ The lyrics are about how the Mexican teacher was nominated for the Best Actress category at the Academy Awards .

“The envious are out to get her, Yalitza Aparicio is mostly criticized by stuck-up broads who don’t know better. Yalitza Aparicio didn’t need to sleep with anyone, her sheer talent brought her to the Oscars,” say the lyrics to the song “La cumbia de Yalitza Aparicio,” by Mister Cumbia .

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The Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón shared the official video through his Twitter account and web surfers welcomed the song’s quality and originality.
