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Specialists from the Potosino Institute for Scientific and Technological Research (IPICYT) in Mexico have developed a hi-tech water purifying system and will soon start up five water treatment plants for water contaminated with hydrocarbons at the International Airport of Mexico City .
The head of the Environmental Sciences Division, René Rangel Méndez , indicated that the plants have already been installed, with a capacity to treat 200 cubic meters per day, that is, around 200 thousand liters each day .
In a statement, the institute informed that with this project, polluted water could be reused for other purposes while contributing to the protection of the environment.
The group of experts from the Environmental Sciences Division was asked by a company to address the issue of water pollution by hydrocarbons, which they undertook through specific processes for its purification.
Rangel Mendez announced that IPICYT develops technology to treat different types of contaminated water, for example, industrial process water and aquifers in other areas, which may be contaminated with hydrocarbons, metals, and organic waste.
Both researchers and students from said institution carried out the design and engineering for the plants that will operate in the air terminal.
In airports that have operated for decades, there may be spills and infiltration of hydrocarbons into the subsoil, which causes contamination of aquifers