
Mexican rock star dead at 64

It's been confirmed that Armando Vega Gil, the founder of rock band Botellita de Jerez, has died

Armando Vega Gil, the founder of Botellita de Jerez - Photo: Agustín Salinas/EL UNIVERSAL
01/04/2019 |13:54Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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is in shock after the apparent suicide of Armando Vega Gil , a famous rock star. On Monday morning, he uploaded a suicide note to Twitter , where he announced his intention to commit suicide .

The songwriter, musician, and autho r was accused of sexually harassing and abusing a 13-year-old girl. The anonymous accusation was made through a Twitter account called Me Too Músicos Mexicanos (Me Too Mexican Musicians).

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Vega Gil

said the accusations would damage his career and he would lose all credibility . He also apologized to all the women he made “feel uncomfortable with my words and actions, to the women I hurt with my sexist ways.”

The musician was known for being the founder of Botellita de Jerez , a rock band that enjoyed success in the 80s.

After Armando Vega Gil published his death note and Botellita de Jerez confirmed his death, the MeTooMúsicosMexicanos Twitter account was closed for a few hours but it is now active again.
