
Mexican pop star Aleks Syntek accused of harassment

A 17 year old boy from the UK accused Syntek of sending him inappropriate messages via Instagram

It has been said in social media that the inappropriate comments may have been sent from a fake account - Photo: Agustín Salinas/EL UNIVERSAL
02/10/2018 |12:54Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican singer and composer Aleks Syntek

has once again caused controversy in social media. Young Lemon Brick, a resident of Manchester in the UK , accused the famous pop singer of sending him inappropriate messages via Instagram.

The 17 year old boy assured that Syntek had called him “ cute ” and “ sexy ” after sending him pictures of his concerts and suggesting that he visit Mexico .

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Days later, through the same platform, the British teenager broadcasted that the singer had tried to smooth things over, explaining that the comments had been misinterpreted and that they were “ just a joke .” He asked him to eliminate the publications to avoid problems with his family: “I have a family, two beautiful children, and a lovely wife who you are putting in danger.”

At the moment, the authenticity of the harassment is yet to be proved. It has been said in social media that the inappropriate comments may have been sent from a fake account and Aleks Syntek has made no comment on the subject. However, Lemon Brick insisted on Instagram that the screenshots he shared were not fake, and that the composer’s verified account mark could be clearly seen in the pictures.
