
Mexican politician and businessman, linked to pederasty network, wanted by the Interpol

Mario Marín and Kamel Nacif are both wanted by the Interpol for the torture of Lydia Cacho

Mario Marín and Kamel Nacif are linked to a pederasty network led by Jean Succar Kuri - Photo: Left: Ulises Ruiz/EFE, Right: Rodolfo Pérez/EL UNIVERSAL
07/05/2019 |12:48Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Former Puebla Governor Mario Marín Torres

and businessman Kamel Nacif Borge are wanted by the Interpol in over 190 countries. They are wanted by the Mexican authorities for torturing journalist and activist Lydia Cacho after she exposed a pederasty network in Mexico .

Alejandro Gertz Manero

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, Mexico's Attorney General, said that a federal tribunal issued an arrest warrant against Marín and Nacif and the government asked the Interpol to issue a red notice to find both men, who are linked to a pederasty network .

“The same day we obtained the arrest warrant we asked for (was the same day) the red notice was issued. Whoever says otherwise is not telling the truth,” the Attorney General said.

Journalist and activist Lydia Cacho said that the former Puebla police chief, Hugo Adolfo Karam is also wanted by the Interpol : “(The) three of them were part of a network of masterminds behind my torture . I was tortured for giving voice to hundreds of girls and boys who were sexually exploited by a human trafficking network , where Governors, Senators, and businessmen participated to sexually exploit minors .”

The journalist warned she will take legal action to its final consequences, to make sure the former officials, politicians, and businessman are punished.

Mario Plutarco Marín Torres was the PRI Governor of Puebla between 2005 and 2011. In her book, Lydia Cacho claimed Marín was part of a

child pornography network and also accused him of protecting businessmen linked to the case.


then accused him of persecuting and torturing her. In a leaked phone call between Marín and Nacif , the former Governor admitted he gave Cac h o a “smack.”

José Kamel Nacif Borge

is a textile businessman. In a phone call with Marín, they discussed Cacho's detention and torture , and he also mentioned hiring someone to rape her in jail.

Both Marín and Nacif are linked to a pederasty, exploitation, and child pornography network led by businessman Jean Succar Kuri , which was exposed by Cacho in her book The Demons of Eden.