
Mexican photographer triumphs in London

Emerging photographer Tania Franco-Klein won the Photo London Artproof Award 2018 with her work “Our Life in the Shadows”

“Our Life in the Shadows" - Photo: Notimex
30/05/2018 |10:40
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Mexican photographer Tania Franco-Klein won the Photo London Artproof Award 2018 with her work “Our Life in the Shadows,” granted to an emerging artist during the Photo London world-class photography fair.

The work of Franco-Klein was selected by a jury during the photography fair held each year at the Somerset House.

In this year's edition, Franco-Klein, of the Photography Gallery Almanac, received the award for her innovative artistic proposal.

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During an interview with Notimex, director of Photography Gallery Almanac. Arturo Delgado said the work of Franco-Klein is both “political and philosophical.”

“The language of Tania Franco-Klein, which represents the overall focus of the gallery, centers in new languages of photography as tools for the creation of contemporary visual arts,” he said.

The award-winning piece of the Mexican – in which she poses as a self-portrait – uses color and staging to find that place between fiction and reality.

The Mexican photographer, born in 1990, is inspired by the works of William Eggleston, Cindy Sherman, and Robert Frank.

The philosophic theme of Franco-Klein is inspired by the works of Korean philosopher Gyung Chul Han, who depicts characters between defeat and hope.
