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The pictorial work called “Oaxaca, un sueño de colores” (Oaxaca, a Dream of Colors), made with charcoal and pastels on a paper of 70 by 100 centimeters , was painted by Víctor M, an inmate at one of the state’s prison facilities.
The artwork has won a contest to represent the official image of this year’s Guelaguetza, an annual indigenous cultural event in Mexico that takes place in the city of Oaxaca and in nearby villages.
According to the celebration’s Authenticity Committee , the image met all the conditions for admission to the competition, which is why it will represent the most important party of the state of Oaxaca this year.
This Tuesday, Mexico’s Ministry of Tourism presented the image, pointing out that the craft was particularly meaningful since it was made by an inmate.
In his review, the artist describes the painting as “a way of representing something that is like a dream. Just like my Oaxaca, it is a dream of colors that has faceless characters to show the equality of races, brought together by art, culture, color, and knowledge.”
The government body pointed out that Oaxaca, a Dream of Colors was one of 64 pieces received , many of which featured different techniques such as oil on canvas, digital illustration, acrylic paint, watercolor, colored pencils, charcoal, and others .
According to the Office of the Deputy Minister for Social Rehabilitation and Prevention from the Ministry of Public Security in Oaxaca (SSPO) , Víctor M., a professional architect, is a natural born painter who has perfected his talent and skills at the prison’s plastic arts classes.