
Mexican government spied Queen Elizabeth and Nobel Laureates

President López Obrador announced that Mexico's secret service, the CISEN, would disappear and that all its files would be made public

Mexico's secret service spied on hundreds of writers, journalists, and even the royalty - Photo: Francois Lenoir/REUTERS
04/03/2019 |13:54Pedro Villa y Caña |
Redacción El Universal
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President López Obrador

announced that Mexico's secret service , the CISEN , would disappear and that all its information and files would be made public.

Now that they have been made public, EL UNIVERSAL inspected the declassified files and archives . We found out that the Mexican government spied former Presidents, royalty, guerrilla members, writers, painters, singers, actors, journalists, drug lords, union leaders, religious organizations, political parties, sports commentators, and even its own members.

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López Obrador's cabinet

Alejandro Encinas,

the Deputy Secretary of Human Rights, and Manuel Bartlett, the head of the CFE, the Federal Electricity Commission, were also spied on.

Tatiana Clouthier,

López Obrador's former campaign manage r, and a federal lawmaker was spied in 1984 and Porfirio Muñoz Ledo , the president of the lower chamber, who was spied from 1949 to 1985 , the file dedicated to him has over 1,426 pages.

Mexican politicians

There are also files on Diego Fernández de Cevallos, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, and Luis Donaldo Colosio , who were all presidential candidates in 1994 .

In one of the files, we found 15 pages detailing the activities of the now President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, from 1980 to 1983 , when he taught sociology at a university in Tabasco.

There were also over 1,000 pages detailing Carlos Salinas' activities from 1956 to 1985 ; since he was an economics student at the UNAM .

There also are file detailing the lives of several f ormer Presidents: Lázaro Cárdenas, Miguel Alemán Valdés, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Luis Echeverría, José López Portillo, Miguel de la Madrid , and Vicente Fox.

The Mexican secret service also spied on Queen Elizabeth II from 1975 to 1983, which was recorded in 28 declassified documents.

The intelligence agency also monitored political figures such as Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro while they were in Mexico , before the Cuban revolution.

Writers, artists, and journalists

Nobel Laureates Gabriel García Márquez

and Octavio Paz were spied by the Mexican Governmen t for 30 years.


and journalists were especially targeted by the secret service , including Miguel Ángel Granados Chapa, Julio Scherer, Jacobo Zabludovsky, Joaquín López-Doriga, Carlos Marín, José Woldenberg, Héctor Aguilar Camín, Manuel Buendía, Vicente Leñero , as well as writers Enrique Krauze, José Revueltas, Elena Poniatowska, Efraín Huerta, Carlos Monsiváis, Carlos Fuentes, Juan García Ponce, Juan José Arreola, and Vicente Rojo .

And even actors and singers were surveyed by the government , among them María Félix, Silvia Pinal, Ignacio López Tarso and TV presenters Raúl Velasco and José Ramón Fernández . Iconic Mexican singer Juan Gabriel was investigated in 1984.

Drug lords and union leaders

The former teachers union leader, Elba Esther Gordillo Morales , was targeted, as well as Carlos Romero Deschamp s, the leader of the oil workers union, were spied between 1970 and 1980.

Drug lords Caro Quintero, Ernesto Fonseca, and Miguel Félix Gallardo

, the founders of the Guadalajara cartel were spied in 1980 and over 500 documents detail their criminal activities in Mexico and abroad.
