
Mexican girls create device to prevent neuronal degeneration

The girls said their goal was to provide “solutions that can truly help society”

The students won a contest organized by the UK embassy - Photo: Taken from the UK Embassy Facebook page
13/03/2019 |15:47Victoria Carrillo |
Victoria Carrillo
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from a junior high school in Mexico City won the “ Girl Power ” contest, organized by the United Kingdom's embassy in Mexico . The young students designed a device to prevent neuronal degeneration in patients with Alzheimer .

The winners are Guadalupe Estrella Salazar, Andrea Karina Guerrero, Mia Michelle Camargo, Valeria Colín, and Jatziry Ramírez.

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In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL , Guadalupe Salazar explained that their prototype, called “ Brain Games ”, contributes to maintaining plasticity in the brain and to promote the care of the central nervous system's capacities and “help prevent neuronal degeneration throughout Alzheimer ” by “remembering small things and slowing down the degenerative process that characterizes this illness .”

Brain Games

helps neurons to regenerate or in some cases, new ones are born.

The prototype emits an image of the numbers that correspond to the number of sounds the users will hear and the patient then has to choose the option that corresponds to the number of sounds the patient remembers.

The young girls said their goal was to “share contributions related to health, (…) solutions that can truly help society .”
