
Mexican flute player triumphs in France

Miguel Ángel Villanueva is a successful musician and a professor at the UNAM

Miguel Ángel Villanueva – Photo: Adrán Hernández/EL UNIVERSAL
27/08/2018 |12:33Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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Miguel Ángel Villanueva

, a Mexican flutist , played an emotional recital in Aix-en-Provence, France , where he received an ovation.

The concert was part of the “Cycle des Nuits Pianistiques” and the Mexican flutist included Ricardo Castro, considered as the most important Mexican piano compositor of the 19th century, with a piece that thrilled the audience.

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After finishing his recital, the audience asked him to play one more piece; when he asked what piece did they want to hear the audience unanimously answered: " Ricardo Castro ".

The recital in the French city is part of his second 2018 tour , which began at the Formandi Festival in Guadalajara, Jalisco , where he performed the Concert for Flute and Orchestra in G major, by Georg Philipp Telemann.

The tour will end in Ecuador , at the Festival Internacional de Flautistas de Guayaquil , where the Mexican flutist will perform concerts and offer master classes .

Villanueva is also a professor at the Music Faculty, UNAM .

He was invited to perform as a soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of Fine Arts and to play "The Pied Piper" at the end of the year.
