
Mexican flowers will sweep you up your feet

Here you can find roses, tulips, orchids, and hundreds of other flowers at great prices

Flower arrangements at the Jamaica market - Photo: Gretel Morales/EL UNIVERSAL in English
14/02/2019 |12:39EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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The Jamaica market, located in Mexico City , opened over 60 years ago and has over 1,100 stalls.

The market is famous for offering fresh produce, meat, clothes, groceries, Christmas trees , but its famous for its beautiful flowers .

In this market , you can find roses, tulips, orchids , and hundreds of other flowers at great prices.

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The flowers mostly come from the Tenancingo and Villa Guerrero , in the state of Mexico ; Cholula in Puebla , and Cuautepec in Veracruz .

But other florists produce the flowers themselves and sell them at the market, creating family businesses .


, famous for its wide variety of flowers and plants , has an ancient trade tradition , which would later evolve into markets , unfortunately, supermarkets and grocery stores have taken over the economy ; nevertheless, there's no better place to buy flowers than the Jamaica Market.

The best date for florists and producers are the Day of the Dead, Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day . In this market , you can find a token of love starting at MXN $20 and prices can increase up to MXN $10,000 , depending on the size of the arrangement and the type of flowers .

Although some florists increase the prices during these special days, up to 50% more, many of them maintain their prices.

The best part is the Jamaica marke t is open every day, all day.

So support the local economy and show your love to your loved ones with these beautiful Mexican flowers .
