
Mexican drug cartels take over the airspace and sea routes

Last week, criminals stole a plane to transport drugs from Venezuela to Mexico 

Mexican drug cartels use all kinds of methods to transport drugs to the U.S. - Photo: Ulises Ruiz/AFP
29/09/2020 |07:46
Redacción El Universal
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Drug traffickers

have large amounts of resources, and the stricter the government is when it comes to illicit drugs, the more these criminals use their imagination to transport drugs by land, sea, or air.

Drug traffickers are now exploring new ways to traffic drugs and opioids . For example, they hide the drugs inside different types of merchandise and transport them in ships. They also use submarines and even steal private jets to transport illegal substances.

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To prevent authorities from intercepting and seizing drugs from South America, Mexican drug cartels have extended their networks to infiltrate 6 out of 102 commercial ports in the country. These are strategic facilities that are essential for commerce, the majority is located near the Pacific Ocean, and one is located near the Gulf of Mexico.

This is only possible through bribery schemes established in the ports by criminal organizations. Through corruption, drug cartels obtain complicity and silence from government officials.


Mexican cartels have also shown an interest in taking over the airspace for drug trafficking operations; however, they no longer limit themselves to the use of small airplanes. Last week, criminals stole a business jet to transport drugs.

The Guatemalan army has warned about an increase in drug trafficking through the air and the use of several clandestine runways in Guatemala and Honduras.

According to the information provided by Guatemalan authorities, Mexican drug cartels receive the drugs in Guatemala and then transport it to Mexico by land, before transporting the illicit substances to the U.S. All these is possible thanks to the complicity of border agents.

Now that the federal government has proposed a bill to grant the Navy control over ports, lawmakers must also include surveillance mechanisms for the navy personnel to prevent mistakes and corruption among the new administration.
