
Mexican driver Patricio O’Ward wins Indy Lights championship

The 19-year-old racing driver talks about motor sports and his future plans

Facing his upcoming competition next year, Patricio thinks of himself as an old fashioned young pilot - Photo: Taken from Patricio O'Ward's official Facebook page
11/09/2018 |13:56Diego Guilbert |
Redacción El Universal
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19-year-old Mexican racing driver Patricio O’Ward

is one of the most promising talents of motor sports. This year, he dominated the season at the Indy Lights Championship , which is the threshold of the United States ’ most popular single-seaters championship: The Indy Car .

Facing his upcoming competition next year, Patricio thinks of himself as an old fashioned young pilot. He prefers the sound of a V8 to the technology of an electric engine. When asked about the attention he has been getting from the press, he stated that “Any professional pilot should be prepared for this. It’s part of the sport and the racing scene. Doing public relations with new people is important and I have very much enjoyed the process of building a name for myself.”

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He explained that his passion for motor sports began when he was given a go-kart at the age of three. When he was six, he was taken to see a race in a track called “ El Río ” in the city of Monterrey , and he fell in love with what he had witnessed.

Shortly after, he told his father that he wanted to dedicate his life to driving sports cars. “Since I was a child, he has supported my interest, lending me his support along the way. Now, we have come too far to disdain the future now.”

The young driver has put all his focus on the IndyCar , which he considers to be an extremely attractive competition to promote himself, with aims to winning his place at the Formula 1 in the near future.

When asked about the future of motor racing and new electric technologies that make motor vehicles less polluting, he claimed to hate electric cars: “Personally, I don’t think there should even be a category in which cars such as these compete. I think that the whole point of racing cars is to hear their engine roar. I hope I never have to drive an electric car because I think it’s a waste of time. There’s nothing quite like a loud engine, and though new technologies have offered some improvements to motor vehicles, I find electric cars to be disappointing.”
