
Mexican diver Jonathan Paredes wins bronze in World Championships

With a score of 430.15 points, the Mexican ended in third place, after American Steve Lo Bue, second, and British Gary Hunt, first

Paredes won bronze in 2013 and silver in 2015 – Photo: Taken from FINA Twitter account
24/07/2019 |19:09Notimex |
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Today, the Mexican high diver Jonathan Paredes won his third medal in the World Swimming Championships by ending up third in the 27-meters platform .

Born on August 14, 1989 , in Mexico City , Paredes climbed the podium to receive his bronze medal , which he got with a score of 430.15 points in his final series of dives.

The silver medal was for the American Steve Lo Bue with 433.65 points , with which he repeated the place he got two years ago in Budapest, Hungary; and the gold was for the British and new champion Gary Hunt with 442.20 points .

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Jonathan Paredes

climbed the podium in the 2013 Barcelona Swimming World Championships to receive the bronze medal; in Kazan 2015 , he won silver .

For the edition of 2017 in Budapest, Hungary , he ended in eighth place and could not climb the podium, but now in Gwangju 2019 , he came back to receive the bronze medal.

In the final classification, his compatriots Sergio Guzmán and Diego Rizo Rivero ended up 11th with 328.45 points and 19th, respectively, and could not get to the final.
