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Mexican dancer Elisa Carrillo Cabrera
has been nominated for the Prix Benois de la Danse , one of the most prestigious ballet prizes in the world.
“We are pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for the 2019 Prix Benois de la Danse . You have been nominated to play Juliette in Nacho Duato’s “Romeo y Julieta,” which was premiered in May 2018 with the Staatsballett Berlin ,” wrote Nina Loory, artistic director of the international competition , in a letter to the dancer.
The Benois de la Danse award has been granted to world renowned dancers such as Alicia Alonso, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Boris Eifman, Julio Bocca , and many others.
Elisa Carrillo Cabrera became the prima ballerina of the Staatsballett Berlin in 2011 and has worked with Nacho Duato, the artistic director of the German dance company between 2014 and 2018 and who also won the Benois prize in 2000 for his work as choreographer for a piece called “Multiplicidad” (Multiplicity).
In 2018, the ballerina became the first Mexican to receive the “Soul of Dance” award, which is the most important ballet recognition in Russia and is rarely granted to foreigners.
The dancer will receive the award on April 30 , in the framework of the International Dance Day, at the Stanislavski and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater.