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The article EL UNIVERSAL published today, in regards to the children who have joined a vigilante group in Ayahualtempa , a community located in Guerrero , in order to fight organized crime along with their parents. This incident shows the violence levels Mexico has reached since their relatives prefer the children are armed instead of them being the victims of a violent attack.
Furthermore, it can’t be said that this is a local or isolated issue. This is a harsh reality that is slowly consuming every corner of the country as desperation is pushing people of all ages to take up arms against criminal groups .
In this case, children who love playing soccer with their friends. But now, instead of carrying their backpack, they carry a rifle because a criminal group called Los Ardillos could attack them anytime. In this community, the attacks take place often and are aimed at authorities and vigilante groups .
Although the children feel at risk, they prefer to be beside their parents and face the enemy together than stay at home, not knowing if their parents will ever come back alive. Moreover, Mexico has now become a country where children have to arm themselves because people feel helpless , where going to school is dangerous , where corruption has allowed criminal groups to govern communities. The country is a place where the promises made during electoral campaigns are forgotten, where the reorganization of security forces is useless, and where the peaceful strategies are futile .
The anguish experienced by Mexican children , the unease generated by an uncertain future , and everyday violence are alarming signs that the Mexican government has to take a different approach in regards to security . Mexico has to work to guarantee children a safe childhood so that they only have to worry about studying and playing.