
The Mexican catholic church ignores the Pope

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The Pope has vowed to fight sexual abuse inside the church - Photo: Remo Casilli/REUTERS
09/09/2019 |10:18
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican Catholic church ignores the Pope

Those who have been ignored the instruction given by Pope Francis to prevent and fight sexual abuse inside the Catholic church are Mexican archbishops . In November 2018, the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) approved the creation of the National Council for the Protection of Minors in order to investigate the accusations and implement preventive measures . On that same day, it ordered each one of the 95 dioceses to create a commission to solve this problem, which has been described as a “cancer” by the Episcopate . Nevertheless, almost a year after the order was issued, only 10 dioceses have fulfilled the instruction. Do they think there are more urgent issues ?

No medals for politicians

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We've been told that in the Senate , the opposition wants the Belisario Domínguez medal to be awarded to a citizen and not a politician. This criterion might be established after it was rumored that Porfirio Muñoz Ledo or Ifigenia Martínez could receive the medal. We've been told that the opposition considered that awarding it to them is sending a wrong message because it seems like the medal is part of party quotas and this shouldn't be the case, especially when the aim is to recognize people's contributions . Other people being considered are Guillermo del Toro , doctor Julián Gascón , priest Pedro Pantoja , among others. Negotiations will be harsh in the Senate .

MC is into poetry

We've been told that the national headquarters of the MC party has been in the process of a renovation but so far, nothing seems too extravagant . The only exception was the artistic intervention carried out by Armando Alanís , the f ounder of the Poetic Action project , known for painting verses on the streets. Alanís, who has taken his work to over 40 countries, painted the phrase “ Politics is the prose poetry needs,” by Edgar Morín , in the building. Are they trying to leave banality behind? It's hard to forget that this same party was the one using a song as its slogan during the presidential campaign in 2018 .

Cabeza de Vaca was booed

We've been told that yesterday, the Tamaulipas Governor, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, scolded the inhabitants of Soto la Marina because they booed throughout the entire event, also attended by President López Obrador . “I know there are some of you who are being smart-asses, President , violence instigators who have been scolding the people” (sic), said the Governor while the President looked surprised.
