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The World’s 50 Best Bars is an annual list that celebrates the best drinks in the world. The list has become a guide to the world’s best bars and top drinking destinations.
On October 3, the 2019 list was revealed. This year, a bar located in Mexico City was named as the 10th best bar in the world : Licorería Limantour .
According to the organizers, Limantour is “a true leader in South American bar culture . Owner Benjamín Padron Novoa continues to work alongside industry-renowned bartenders José Luis León and Ricardo Nava to deliver a balanced blend of party atmosphere and internationally respected drinks in Mexico City .”
The drinks at Limantour are “bright and energetic but carry big flavors with elegance and balance , while the service is, without doubt, a world-beater for this style of bar .”
Moreover, this is the sixth time Limantour is included in the list!
Congratulations to the team behind Licorería Limantour !
: Avenida Álvaro Obregón 106, Roma Norte , 06700 Mexico City.