
Mexican ballerina awarded by Russia's Culture Ministry

The National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature congratulated the Mexican dancer for receiving the award

Elisa Carrillo - Photo: Carlos Quezada/EL UNIVERSAL
16/01/2019 |12:04Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican ballet dancer, Elisa Carrillo was awarded the 2019 Soul of the Dance prize for her long professional trajectory as a ballet dancer.

Elisa Carrillo

is a Principal Ballet Dancer with the Berlin State Opera .

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The National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (INBAL ) congratulated the Mexican dancer f or receiving the award granted by Russia's Culture Ministry and the editors of the Ballet magazine .

Last year, she developed the “Dance for Mexico ” movement in Berlin and taught a course titled “Teaching Classical Dance,” with the help of seven teachers from the Vaganova Acamedy from Saint Petersburg and Moscow.
