
Mexican authorities rescue 14 human trafficking victims in Quintana Roo

The 14 victims were forced into prostitution

State authorities dismantled the human trafficking band - Photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL
31/07/2020 |15:52
Redacción El Universal
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At least 14 human trafficking victims, in the modality of sexual exploitation, were rescued in the Mayan Riviera; the alleged band that profited off them was dismantled by the Quintana Roo Attorney General’s Office.

Officials of the Investigation Police, that belongs to the Human Trafficking Prosecutor, fulfilled a search warrant at a property located at Playa del Carmen ’s Fifth Avenue, in the Solidaridad municipality, rescued 14 victims , and arrested nine people, including nine men and two women involved in the illicit activity.

Preliminary investigations establish that at least 14 women were sexually exploited through services that were offered and promoted in different websites that included prices set in dollars.

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Through different investigation, monitoring, field, and in-house works performed by ministerial authorities, the property was located and a search warrant was issued.


According to the Quintana Roo Attorney General’s Office, officials arrested Jesús “P”, Fabián “D”, Manuel “B”, Mario “R”, José “M”, María “P”, José “R” Víctor “L”, and Mónica “C”.

14 victims

were rescued at the place. Officials found several bags with marijuana at the scene.

Multidisciplinary experts processed the property, where officials also seized two vehicles used to transport clients who paid for the sexual services.

