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A new arrest warrant against Karime Macías Tubilla , the ex-wife of former Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte , has been issued for tax fraud .
According to official information, the arrest warrant was the result of an investigation launched in 2018 .
who currently lives in London , failed to disclose her income tax in 2011 and 2012 when she was the first lady of Veracruz .
The investigation shows that authorities were able to determine Macías Tubilla incurred in t ax fraud for MXN $2.4 million, as a result of the inconsistencies found between her income and he r credit card record .
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In 2011, Karime Macías stopped paying income tax , which amounts to MXN $2,236. In 2012, she failed to disclose income tax for MXN $200,962. This figure could triple after fines and could increase up to MXN $9 million.
The A ttorney General’s Office issued the arrest warrant on January 28.
Besides tax fraud, Karime Macías is accused of embezzlement against the Veracruz DIF for MXN $112 million.
is also awaiting her extradition trial, which will take place in November.
Karime Macías y Javier Duarte , who is currently in prison, divorced in October 2019.
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