
Mexican athlete wins competition at Canoe Sprint World Cup in Germany

The canoeist from the state of Michoacán won the C1-5000 trial, which is a long-distance race

For their part, the K4-500 women’s team, made up of Mexican athletes Beatriz Briones, Karina Alanís, Brenda Gutiérrez, and Maricela Montemayor, finished in the sixth position for the B final - Photo: Taken from the Mexican Olympic Committee's Twitter
04/06/2019 |13:25Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican athlete Rigoberto Camilo

was crowned champion at the International Canoe Federation (ICF) ’s Canoe Sprint World Cup 2 in Duisburg, Germany .

The canoeist from the state of Michoacán won the C1-5000 trial , which is a long-distance modality of the sport, in 22.14.766 minutes’ time, followed by Hungarian athlete Balazs Adolf , who finished in 22.15.337, and German Yul Oeltze , with 22.37.292. Guillermo Quirino , another Mexican participating in the event, finished in 14th place with a time of 23.50.136.

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For their part, the K4-500 women’s team, made up of Mexican athletes Beatriz Briones, Karina Alanís, Brenda Gutiérrez, and Maricela Montemayor , finished in the sixth position for the B final with a time of 1.35.955.
