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Mexican architect Frida Escobedo
has been commissioned to design the Serpentine Pavilion 2018 in the Kensington Gardens , one of the Royal Parks of London, inspired by a Mexican patio .
For 18 years now, renowned architects from all over the world have been selected to design a space at the lawn of the Serpentine Galleries in London and Frida Escobedo (1979, Mexico City) will be the youngest architect to accept this commission.
"My design for the Serpentine Pavilion 2018 intertwines inseparable historical materials and inspirations from the city of London and a key idea in architecture: expressing time through everyday materials and simple forms ," Escobedo assured.
Her design will accentuate the summer sunlight as it will evoke a Mexican patio embellished with a line that emulates the Greenwich Meridian , a prime meridian, based at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, established by Sir George Airy in 1851.
Serpentine Pavilion 2018
will be inaugurated on June 15 , as part of the summer program of the Serpentine Gallery.