
Mexican archeologists continue tomb restoration

Theban Tomb 39 (TT39) located in the city of Luxor, Egypt

Photo: Taken from Laureate International Universities website
20/01/2018 |14:47
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Walls, chamber vaults, and the facade were part of the restoration project of the Theban Tomb 39 ( TT39 ) located in the city of Luxor , Egypt , in which Mexicans archaeologists have teamed up with Egyptian archaeologists to carry out the restoration process.

According to the National Institute of Anthropology and History ( INAH ) the site has almost completely recovered the beauty it had 3,500 years ago, after 12 arduous restoration sessions, in order to ensure its preservation for 100 more years.

TT39 was built in honor of the second prophet Puimra , a prominent figure in the government of Queen Hat Shep Sut of the XVIII Dynasty .

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The Mexican restoration team is headed by the Mexican Society of Egyptology ( SME ) and the University of the Valley of Mexico ( UVM ), along with specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History ( INAH ), and directed by Gabriela Arrache .

Dulce María Grimaldi

and Patricia Meehan restorers of the National Coordination of Cultural Heritage Conservation ( CNCPC ) of the INAH , along with Luis Amaro of the National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography ( ENCRyM ), participated in the facade restoration in the last session which took place from October to December.

It should be noted that a large team of restoration architects made a great progress reconstruction scenes on the walls last year, yet this year the objective is to stabilize reliefs inside the tomb and to locate missing fragments.
