, Mexico’s ambassador to Argentina , resigned on Sunday citing health problems following new allegations of shoplifting after a video from late October showed the diplomat trying to steal a USD $10 book.

Earlier this month, was recalled by the Foreign Ministry amid after the incident was made public.

It was announced that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard accepted Valero ’s resignation.

Ricardo Valero is a great person, he’s undergoing neurological treatment and I wish him a speedy recovery,” Foreign Minister wrote on Twitter.

Furthermore, the recent shoplifting allegation involves the theft of a shirt at a duty-free shop at Buenos Aires’ international airport on December 10, according to Argentinian media, just two days after he was recalled from his post.

Roberto Velasco

, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson , shared a message on Twitter, where he explains that Valero is receiving medical attention with the support of his family and showed a document where a doctor states that developed a , which results in behavioral , affective , and cognitive symptoms since 2012 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor .

According to the doctor, in time, the has lost neuronal tissue , as a result of the tumor and the surgery to remove it. She emphasized that the syndrome worsened this year, causing behavioral alterations and impulsiveness .


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