
Mexican airline offers free flights for migrant children

On their twitter page, Mexican airline Volaris offered free flights for migrant children in the US to reunite with their families

Volaris airplane at a landing strip in Mexico City - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
26/06/2018 |13:01Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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In a statement, the low-cost Mexican airline Volaris manifested their concern for the situation of some Mexican and Central American families in the United States .

In response to this, the airline announced its disposition to cooperate with authorities from the United States , Mexico, and the Central American countries where it operates in order to reunite children with their parents, should they need to. This service would be entirely free of cost .

“Volaris has a mission to bring families together. Family is the basis of society , and our vocation is to keep these families together. In the face of this humanitarian crisis , we reiterate our commitment to build a future together,” the airline manifested.

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Earlier today, the company tweeted: “We are truly heartbroken to see these little children without their parents, and we’ve made it our mission to reunite them.”
