
Metco: innovating Mexico's sweeteners industry

Metco has spent over two decades innovating the sugar market by investing in Mexican technology and research and creating breakthrough products for diverse markets

The stevia plant and its finished product - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
20/08/2018 |15:10EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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, Mexico's leading sugar company , has been processing and selling sugar and sweeteners in Mexico for 25 years.

They have spent over two decades innovating the sugar market by investing in Mexican technology and research and creating breakthrough products for diverse markets , such as people with diabetes or those who are looking for a healthy option.

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Their options include inverted sugars, 0-calories sweeteners, brown sugar, high-performance sugars, and the traditional piloncillo , which is used in traditional desserts and sweets.

Besides innovating in the Mexican market, they have expanded to Canada, the US, Spain, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Panama.

Despite having many products, their most popular product is Svetia , made out of stevia , the Amazon plant . They were the first company to bring this new and natural sweetene r to Mexico in the 1980s . The process used by Metco to produce Svetia , has been patented by the company.


is also doing a huge effort to support the Mexican farmers , by harvesting the stevia plant in Mexico , in the states of Nayarit, Morelos, Michoacán, and Chiapas. These products won't only be produced by Mexican hands, but they're also organic , natural , and of superior quality , the product will go from the farm and directly to your table . They're also worried about the environment , that's why they're making sure their product is 100% sustainable.

Not only is Metco committed to helping Mexican farmers, improving the quality of life of the Mexican family; they're also interested in collaborating with academic institutions like the IPN .

They also have a strong social media presence , and they produce a series of videos, recipes , and articles to educate people on their diet , share information about diabetes and obesity , and share tips to better their quality of life. They have recently opened an online shop.

Also, the company has a strong commitment towards gender equality , that's why they produce and share adds that feature men cooking and other social media posts that try to portray gender equality. It's important to mention that 5 out of the 7 high-ranking executives are women , and Metco's Director is a woman.

The fact that they dominate 58% of the market is an indicator that their diverse product , their innovating technology , their bond with Mexican producers , their marketing strategies, their online shop, and mostly, their interest on providing healthier options , make Metco one of the most conscious and groundbreaking companies in Mexico.
