
Memorial for 19-S victims to be built in Mexico City

The Mexico City Government plans to expropriate the plot in 286 Álvaro Obregón, Roma quarter, to build the memorial

286 Álvaro Obregon in the Roma quarter - Photo: Ivan Stepehens/EL UNIVERSAL
05/11/2017 |15:00Phenélope Aldaz |
Redacción El Universal
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The Government of Mexico City will expropriate the plot located in 286 Álvaro Obregon in the Roma quarter, where a memorial for the victims of the September 19 earthquake will be built.

Manuel Granados, legal adviser for Mexico City, informed there are several accruing debts on the plot, reason why it will be expropriated by the Government and, since this was the location where most people lost their lives during the earthquake in Mexico City, it is an adequate site to place it.

Starting this week, the Government will get in touch with the corporation currently owning the plot and will begin the expropriation process – which, according to the Mr. Granados, has an average duration of one month.

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On the construction of the memorial itself, Granados said the project would be subjected to a referendum.
