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De colores y distintos tamaños, Comisión del INE aprueba boletas para elección judicial; falta voto del Consejo General
Comisión del INE aprueba recorte para organizar elección judical con 6 mil mdp; ajustan actividades de bajo impacto
Llega Navidad para choferes y repartidores; publican en el DOF decreto para derecho a seguro médico, indemnización y utilidades
According to sources of the Judiciary Power , today, Minister of Mexico’s Supreme Court Eduardo Medina Mora submitted his resignation , 11 years before the conclusion of the period for which he was chosen, and he will do so in the context of the investigations performed by the Finance Intelligence Unit of the Finance Ministry on his accounts and financial management of recent years, in which according to information received by the Mexican government from finance agencies of the U.S. government , the judiciary officer received financial transfers that do not correspond with the income levels reported in his assets declarations.