
Medina Mora: lack of transparency, money laundering & illicit enrichment

Mexico, UK , and the U.S. are investigating Medina Mora

Minister Medina Mora was appointed by former President Enrique Peña Nieto - Photo: Adrian Hernández/EL UNIVERSAL
07/10/2019 |14:52Newsroom |
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Minister Eduardo Medina Mora

resigned after it was revealed that he is being investigated for illicit enrichment and money laundering . The resignation takes place three months after the Financial Intelligence Unit confirmed that it was collaborating with the British and U.S. governments to investigate at least 32 bank transfers Media Mora carried out between 2016 and 2018 .

Later, it was announced that President López Obrador accepted his resignation .

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The chief of the Financial Intelligence Unit , Santiago Nieto , confirmed that Medina Mora is being investigated for money laundering and explained that the Intelligence Unit filed a lawsuit against Medina Mora two months ago.

Also, it's been revealed that besides being working at the Supreme Court, Medina Mora was also a businessman through his involvement in the chemical, agriculture, forestry , and informatics industries . He is a stakeholder and member of the administrative board in at least three companies.

Medina Mora

co-founded Promotora Agroindustrial y Florícola and Polímeros Aztlán in the state of Querétaro . He is also an executive in Compusoluciones , a company located in Jalisco .

Last June, journalist Salvador García Soto revealed that Medina Mora has established several businesses , which he allegedly used to receive millions in bank transfers .

Lack of transparency

Despite his position as a minister at the Supreme Court and his previous positions as a high-ranking government official and ambassador , Eduardo Medina Mora has kept his wealth private.

In the last two decades, Medina Mora has occupied important positions in the government yet he has always refused to open his assets declaration to the public .

The allegations

According to the journalist Salvador García Soto , in the last two years, the UK's National Crime Agency found transfers made from Mexico to Medina Mora's bank account in London, for a total of £2,382,526.

Furthermore , García Soto claims that in June 2019 , the U.S. Treasury Department documented that Medina Mora received USD $2,130,000 between 2016 and 2018 . In total, Media Mora has received transfers for over MXN $100 million in the last years.

In a letter, the Medina Mora said that he did the transfers himself and that the amounts are consistent with the income he reported between 2016 and 2018 .
