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Hay fentanilo en México y también se produce acá: Ken Salazar; deja como encargado de embajada a Mark Johnson
Aumenta violencia sexual contra infancias en México; Redim subraya falta de justicia y reparación para víctimas
“Prometieron abrazos, no balazos, pero entregaron omisión y caos”; Alito Moreno critica “fallida” estrategia de seguridad
PAN exhorta a Sheinbaum a reconocer que crisis por fentanilo en México; “la Presidenta ha tratado de minimizar las cosas”, señala
Concern over man-handling the INAI
We're told that the process in the Senate to appoint the two commissioners of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection ( INAI ) to replace Ximena Puente – currently, the candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to federal deputy – and Areli Cano, has turned on the red lights. This because of the decision of Edna Jaime , of the organization Mexico Evalúa, and Pedro Salazar , director of the Legal Research Institute of the UNAM, of not taking part of the civil society jury. This decision will complicate the selection process which has April 30 as the deadline. We're told that the exit of these members of the civil society is seen as a new sign of mistrust in the process which already has a list of 34 candidates. Our sources explain that the decision of Ms. Edna and Mr. Pedro of leaving the jury is to avoid legitimizing a process in which there are some profiles with sympathies toward certain political parties. We're told that they can already picture Lilia Ibarra , current director of the Congress Channel – supported by the PRI – Gustavo Parra , of the PAN, Norma Julieta del Río or Javier Castillo of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) as possibilities. It seems parties are still meddling iwth the INAI.
End of NAFTA negotiations in May?
In May, at the latest – according to the federal government – the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will be signed by Canada and the United States. It sounds absurd but our sources say the scuffles with Donald Trump which have forced President Peña Nieto to confront the U.S. President have paved the way to reach an agreement amidst the election period which could benefit the government and its presidential candidate. Bring the popcorn, take a seat, and let's wait for May to see if this version several government officials already consider a done deed and brag about will actually happen.
Clash at the Senate
A battle is expected today at the Senate between the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and allies versus the opposition group of the far-left Labor Party (PT), the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), and the conservative National Action Party (PAN). The issue is the bill for the General Law on Social Communication . We're told that the PRI wants to approve it tomorrow and send it to the plenum to be voted exactly as the Lower Chamber received it. However, opposers will present a set of modifications for several concepts and prevent the bill from passing as it is – against what the PRI members led by Emilio Gamboa consider. Who will win?
Meade prepares for the debate
Even though presidential candidate José Antonio Meade said it wasn't necessary to prepare for a debate three days earlier, we've been told that he will engage in a training exercise ahead of this Sunday's debate. Our sources say Mr. José Antonio is quite clear on his proposals yet preparing for debate means, to him, studying his adversaries and, of course, work on some offensive and defensive maneuvers during the exchange of accusations and recrimination that, without a doubt, will abound during the debate.