
Meade, upset with the owner of Cinépolis

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

José Antonio Meade - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
14/06/2018 |08:44
Redacción El Universal
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Meade, upset with the owner of Cinépolis

The team of José Antonio Meade was upset by a move of businessman Alejandro Ramírez , president of the Mexican Business Council. What happened? Our sources say the most powerful businessmen in Mexico commissioned a poll on the presidential candidates and they got two results: one in which Meade came in second and the other, from the COPARMEX, in which he was in the third spot, after Ricardo Anaya . Mr. Alejandro – we've been told – chose the latter and maneuvered so this was the poll distributed with the authorization of the organization, led by Gustavo de Hoyos. With this action, we've been told, the also director of Cinépolis seems to have gone and supported Anaya. How will this end?

Seeking Margarita's love, through blows

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Some intend to win Margarita Zavala 's love by delivering some punches, according to the conclusions of some after what transpired in the National Executive Committee of the conservative National Action Party (PAN). We've been told that the photograph of Margarita Zavala was removed from the national offices of the party. Although some could claim this is because she left the party, it would be slightly unlikely seeing that the portrait of Margarita – who was the head of the Ministry for Women – is the only one which has been taken down from the wall where it hung, next to other portraits of women who, in some cases, are no longer members of the PAN – one of them is even a candidate for the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA). Could it be they have lost their hope in Zavala supporting the candidacy of Ricardo Anaya ?

Azcárraga, over the moon


is over the moon due to the news of the 2026 World Cup . We've been told that the idea of the Azteca Stadium , a project which seemed impossible, came from Emilio Azcárraga Milmo, and his father, Azcárraga Vidaurreta, had to find financial support to have the stadium ready for the 1970 World Cup, held in Mexico. Today, the third generation with Emilio Azcárraga Jean, has ensured the dream of his father remains valid half a century later, according to those close to the TV station. The Azteca Stadium will see one more World Cup opening in 2026 thanks to the work of Emilio III, who thanks and expects the support of the Mexican football fans.

AMLO's advocate

A strong reaction caused the online advocacy of the former Electoral Prosecutor Santiago Nieto in favor of Javier Jiménez Espriú , one of the “cabinet” members appointed by presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who was accused by José Antonio Meade during Tuesday's debate, of being linked to the Odebrecht corruption scandal. Mr. Santiago, today a member of AMLO's campaign team, published the following tweet: “I checked my documents on the Odebrecht case. No Jiménez Espriú there.” We've been told that some legal experts are wonderings the following: "Which documents is he talking about?" "Did he take them from the case file?" "Does he have property rights on information which should be part of an ongoing investigation?" They think the prompt reaction in favor of Obrador's cause confirms the reasons why Nieto was sacked from Mexico's Office of the Attorney General, seeing that he likes to publicly air what his job compels him to keep a secret.
