On Monday, Latin America Marvel Facebook page announced that American actor Mark Ruffalo will visit Mexico to promote the film " Avengers: Infinity War ."
"Avengers: Infinity War," due in theaters in April , will see the biggest gathering of Walt Disney Co.-owned Marvel’s fast-expanding cadre of cinematic superheroes, including Doctor Strange , Black Panther , and the Guardians of the Galaxy .
The Russo brothers, Anthony Russo and Joseph V . " Joe " Russo , said that “Infinity War” will close out a 10-year storyline that began with 2008’s “ Iron Man ,” and set the stage for a new iteration of Marvel’s on-screen superheroes.
"Avengers: Infinity War" will be released in Mexico on April 26 , however the exact date in which Mark Ruffalo will arrive in Mexico has not been announced yet.