
Margarita wants double digits

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Margarita Zavala during the presentation of her campaign – Photo: Cristopher Rogel Blanquet/EL UNIVERSAL
28/02/2018 |10:10
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Margarita wants double digits

Under the symbol of Manuel Gómez Morín, one of the founders of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Margarita Zavala intends to launch, by the end of March, her electoral campaign with double digits on presidential polls. The team of the independent candidate expects a technical tie with the third place to gain a competitive start. We're told the second goal is to win the vote of PAN sympathizers (the “blue vote”) which is familiar territory for Zavala, to then focus on the hunt for the general electorate. From the headquarters of Mrs. Margarita, it's clear that the alleged corruption acts of Ricardo Anaya and José Antonio Meade , presidential candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), may greatly benefit Zavala's cause – who has addressed her first messages with her new image towards PAN sympathizers.

Anti-corruption champions run out of steam

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Our sources wonder where, oh where, are the anti-corruption champions, those selfless organizations who have sworn to protect democracy when the country needs them the most? In recent days the conservative National Action Party (PAN) accused the candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), José Antonio Meade , of being responsible for the funneling of MXN$ 500 million during his time as Minister of Social Development. It's truly strange that the fake superheroes of the anti-corruption fight who have remained close to Ricardo Anaya , now that he needs them, didn't show up to support him against the alleged corruption acts perpetrated by his political adversary. Although not much has been said about the names of suspicious origins whose names are in the plurinominal lists of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), and even less about the accusations of alleged money laundering. The reply to this inaction may be because several of them have already been left out of the plurinominal lists of the PAN to the Senate and the fight against corruption has lost its allure. In other words, they ran out of steam.

AMLO's supporters increase in the Senate

The group of the far-left Labor Party (PT) in the Senate has begun its strategy to get as many positions as possible. Yesterday, Senators Gabriela Cuevas and Raúl Morón , who used to have no party affiliation, informed the president of the Senate, Ernesto Cordero , of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), of their decision to join the PT and the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA). With this, the wards of Andrés Manuel López Obrador have reached the 19 legislators and, our sources say, they will make sure their numbers are taken into account at the Upper Chamber during the reorganization of the commissions. Likewise, if the legislators decide at one point to focus more on their actual work and less on the electoral campaigns, AMLO's group will have a considerable weight in important decisions, such as the appointments of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor and Mexico's General Prosecutor.

Peña Nieto goes to Chile and Brazil

Before electoral campaigns launch, the team in Los Pinos is preparing the visit of President Enrique Peña Nieto next March to Chile , so the Head of State can be present during the sworn-in ceremony of Sebastián Piñera . We're told that Peña Nieto built a strong friendship with Piñera during the dialogues of the Pacific Alliance, which Mexico joined in 2013 in Santigo de Chile, during Piñera's first administration. Now, Mr. Sebastián is set to return to the presidential office once the administration of Michelle Bachelet concludes. During this trip, our sources claim, it's virtually a fact that Peña Nieto will also make a trip to Brazil , a country Peña Nieto has always sought – since before he became President back in 2012 – to reaffirm a relationship with as partner economies instead of rivals.
