
The many health benefits of jícamas

Jicamas are also known as Mexican turnips or yam beans

The many health benefits of jícamas
15/01/2020 |18:06Newsroom |
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are a white tuber full of juice and . Its name comes from the Náhuatl “xicamatl.” Yellowish on the outside and white on the inside, jícamas have a lot of starch, a crunchy texture, and a slightly sweet flavor.

Jícamas come from Central America and are known in Mexico since pre-Columbian times .

It is eaten as a snack , chopped in slices or strips with lime juice, salt, and powder commonly sold in the street.

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is also used to prepare pico de gallo or as a vegetable in salads . Jicaletas are skewers of sorts made with jicama slices covered in chamoy , lime juice, chili, and salt.

In December, a small variety of jicama, known as ch’ikam , is sold to fill the used during posadas.

Jícamas are full of health benefits and here is a list of some of them.

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It is a healthy snack that will make you feel full for a long time, so it is ideal if you are on a diet. Jícamas contain a lot of fiber and water so a 150 grams portion will give you a feeling of fullness and you will be able to resist temptations until the next meal.

It is a that adapts to many recipes. Give jícamas a chance: remember that not everything in the world is lime, salt, and chili powder. Jícama goes extremely well in wraps , salads , and even in pasta . Chop it or grate it and include it in Asian recipes using a wok and different sauces. It will be a low-calorie complement for many dishes.

Jícama is a good option to add to a low-carbs menu because a single cup of this food contains only 10 grams and, in addition, a good amount of vitamin C .

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One of the reasons why you should include jicama in your diet is because it has many health benefits . Eating jícamas will help you reduce blood pressure , control diabetes , and improve constipation ; it has diuretic properties and it also helps with liquids retention .

Another reason to love jícamas is their low cost . You can easily find them in markets and supermarkets. Jícama is a root similar to potato and radish and it is also known as the Mexican turnip .

So now you know, whether it is in cold or hot recipes, eating jícama is good for your .

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