
The many health benefits of garlic

Garlic is often used as a medicinal plant

Garlic has many health benefits - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
18/04/2020 |16:20Newsroom |
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is a superfood that was used in ancient Greece for improving . Its benefits are so great that it has even been an inspiration for stories claiming it can protect you from mythological creatures.

In addition to being a very popular condiment to add flavor to our food, garlic has several that have turned it into a medicinal plant.

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Garlic is a good source for iodine , potassium , and vitamin B . although it must be eaten raw in order to obtain all these benefits.


It prevents infections

Eroski Consumer

mentions garlic can combat bacterias , fungus , and viruses . Hence, this food is often used to relieve respiratory diseases such as the common flu.

It has also shown to be effective against problems like athlete’s foot , acne , or gastrointestinal infections . However, this does not mean that it is a substitute for traditional medicine.

It improves cardiovascular health

According to the , the sulfur contained in garlic boosts the expansion of blood vessels and, hence, regulates blood pressure . In addition to this, stresses that garlic lowers cholesterol by 10% and controls blood glucose .

Therefore, Germany’s Federal Institute for Drugs Medical Devices recommends eating 4 grams of garlic per day (equivalent to a big garlic clove) to improve heart health . If you are worried about its hard smell, chew mint leaves, apple, or lettuce after eating it.

A study by Iowa Women’s Health determined that those who often eat garlic, fruits, and vegetables reduce colon cancer risk by up to 35%.

On the other hand, research done by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill concluded that eating garlic reduces the possibility of having stomach cancer by up to 50%.


Despite its multiple health benefits, you must not eat too much garlic. The Cleveland Clinic warns that its excessive presence in a diet can cause upset stomach , swelling , diarrhea , bad breath , and unpleasant body odors .

Likewise, Eroski Consumer does not recommend its consumption for people who suffer from hemorrhages or who are going to have surgery since its anticoagulant effect increases the risk of bleeding.

It helps produce bones and tissues

Likewise, according to Doctor Mercola , garlic is a rich source of manganese and provides 23% of its recommended daily consumption. Manganese helps absorb calcium and this eases and improves the production of tissues and bones .

It is low in calories

By every 100 grams of garlic, there are 118 kcal ; the daily intake for men is of 3,000 kcal per day and 2,300 kcal for women.


It helps to slow aging

Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, aging can be reduced since garlic protects from cell damage.

It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Garlic is a rich source of antioxidants and research has linked them to the improvement of memory since it prevents oxidative damage .

It is diuretic

Garlic is a natural diuretic since it helps the body get rid of liquids and toxins.

