
The many health benefits of corn

Corn is one of the foundations of Mexico’s culinary tradition

A woman shows the four different varieties of corn produced in Betania, in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico – Photo: Eduardo Verdugo/AP
18/07/2020 |10:46
Redacción El Universal
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There is no doubt that corn is a staple of Mexican cuisine since the country has even been dubbed as the craddle of maize.

Corn is one of the foundations of Mexico’s culinary tradition and it is used to make a wide variety of dishes. It can be added to soups and broths, you can also make pan de elote, atole, and tamales, or simply add it to stews.

In addition, Mexicans eat corn all the time through tortillas. Tortillas are the foundation of the Mexican diet since pre-colonial times, and although many people give them up when they start a weight-loss diet, they shouldn't! Since tortillas have many health benefits that are precisely linked to corn

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Nutritionist Isaura Cabrera, from the IPN, explains that giving up tortillas is a mistake, as they have several nutrition benefits, they have no fat, and have very few calories, among many other benefits.


According to Mexican Biodiversity, out of the 220 species of corn that have been identified in Latin America, 64 are located in Mexico.

Moreover, at least 9,000 years ago, humans began domesticating corn for the first time near Tehuacán, in the central Mexican state of Puebla, laying the foundation for permanent settlements in the Americas.

Whether you eat it with other vegetables, or on the cob as a famous Mexican Street food, or in tortillas, corn is one of the most consumed foods in Mexico. But have you heard about its health benefits ?

It prevents high blood pressure

Dr. Mercola revealed that, according to scientific research, the regular consumption of corn can help reduce the risk of high sugar levels in the blood as well as hypertension.

It could prevent cancer

On the other hand, he said this food could reduce the risk of cancer since it contains flavonoids which, among other things, provide protection against lung and oral cancer.

It provides energy

Since 70% of its weight is starch, it provides strength and vitality to the body. Nevertheless, this same characteristic suggests it is best to eat it in moderation since too much of it could make you gain weight.


It is ideal for athletes

According to Ecoagricultor, corn provides 9 essential amino acids. Hence, it can be classified as a special food for growth stages in children, babies, and even for athletes or people with a lot of physical activity.

It is suitable for people with gluten intolerance

Another benefit of corn is that it can be included in gluten-free diets, according to the Mayo Clinic. People who avoid gluten will find they can eat corn with no problems compared to other cereals like wheat, oats, rye, or barley.

It is good for your skin

Alimentos Saludables mentions that corn is also a good source of vitamin A, thiamine, and vitamin B6, which makes it a great option to take care of your skin and hair.

It makes you feel full for longer

Moreover, corn is an excellent source of fiber, which makes you feel fullness, that is, you will not feel hungry for longer than usual.

Other kinds of corn

Many traditional meals in our country are made with corn , including tortillas. However, yellow corn is not the only kind, purple corn exists, too, but little is talked about its multiple health benefits .

Just as it yellow cousin, purple corn is full of health benefits thanks to its high content of antioxidants.

Some of the many health benefits of purple corn include preventing colon cancer, slowing down the aging process, reducing the risk of developing diabetes, fighting obesity, and improving sight
