
Mammoth findings in Mexico

Recently, experts found 800 bones of at least 14 specimens in Tultepec showing Mexico is relevant for fossil exploration

Recently, experts found 800 bones of at least 14 specimens in Tultepec - Photo: Melitón Tapia Dávila/EL UNIVERSAL
15/11/2019 |19:48Newsroom |
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Recently, experts found 800 bones of at least 14 specimens in Tultepec . This discovery adds to previous ones in that community of the State of Mexico .

The latest discovery has shown that Mexico is rich for exploration, for at least , also known for its firecrackers elaboration, fossils of this species have been found on several occasions.

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found in Tultepec?

Last March, the direction of Archeological Preservation of said that workers were digging in a landfill when they found mastodon bones, which made them think it could be a pre-Historic animals cemetery.

Also found in the State of Mexico, the famous remains of a mammoth were found in the Ecatepec municipality and they have been exhibited in several states of the country.

That specimen was found in April 1995 by settlers of the common land of San Cristóbal in a field archeologists estimate to be 10,500 years old . It was rescued, studied, and preserved with help from the community.

In Durango, mammoth have been found too; in March 2017, INAH reported the discovery of a molar attributed to these animals from the Elephantidae family.

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Back then, experts in asserted that the state is rich in evidence of fauna from the Pleistocene , such as mammoths, bison, horses, and camels.

In addition, there was the archeological discovery made in Jalisco in August. In a hill of San José de la Tinaja , a municipality on Zapoltitic , workers found bones of a mammoth, a horse, and an armadillo ancestor of some 13 million years old .

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found in Jalisco?

Such fauna lived in the region between 13,000 and 30,000 years ago ; their bones were transported to .


is another state where this kind of remains have been found; in June, they found fossil remains of a mammoth, a camel, and a giant wolf of between 10,000 and 14,000 years old during the performance of some works in private land in San Francisco Totimehuacán .

In June, in Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacán , they found vestiges of what could be a mammoth fossil.

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