
Malala visited Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education

"Just believe in yourself, follow your dreams and don’t put limits"

Photo: Taken from Malala's Twitter account
31/08/2017 |19:02Newsroom |
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Nobel prize Malala Yousafzai , a Pakistani activist , visited Mexico City's Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education ( ITESM ) as part of her efforts to promote equality and quality of education worldwide.

Her speech was delayed as her flight had to be redirected to Cancún due to heavy rains in Mexico City .

Once in Mexico City, Malala arrived at ITESM Santa Fe Campus and noted that the youth of today have potential to do a lot more.

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"Just believe in yourself, follow your dreams and don’t put limits," she said to the young audience.

Malala is known for human rights advocacy , especially involving women. “I had to speak for the rights of women, for the right of girls," she mentioned while sharing her experience with the audience.

“Nothing can stop me, I am still in my fight for girls education,” she concluded.